martes, 27 de marzo de 2018

Harry Potter, The Exhibition!

Las 4 clases de 2º EPO en Harry Potter: The Exhibition (Madrid)
Hello everybody! How are you, muggles and wizards in Europe?
We are so excited to show you our trip to Madrid, the capital of Spain, to the exhibition of Harry Potter. It was amazing, so take a look at our pics and videos!

First, the sorting hat selected the houses we belong to depending on our thoughts and qualities. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Huffelpuff and Ravenclaw grew up with us:official members of Hogwarts from now on!

"It is our choices, Harry, that show us who we truly are, far more than our abilities."
Albus Dumbledore.

We visited Hagird's house, the herbology cass with the mandragores (and yes, they screamed their lives out), the big hall, Albus Dumbledore's room and his incredible pet: the Phoenix! We got to see so many different things we loved!

If you have the opportunity to visit the exhibition, please go and enjoy the magic world of Harry Potter! Muggle or wizard, we are sure you will love it! We give you our magic word!

See you around, pals! Have a nice Easter holidays!

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