jueves, 1 de febrero de 2018

Welcome to the Potions Class!

Hello muggles!

We are celebrating the "Family week" in our school so we had the most special guest in our Potions Class: OUR PARENTS! Most of them came to our school to spend some magical time with us. Keep reading if you want to know better!

Mum and dad have worked with us in class in order to defeat Fleur Delacourt, a very powerful wizard from Ravenclaw who wanted to test our Spanish skills. It was very important to warm up our cooking skills with a magical fight!

Now, if your want to know a little about Spanish food and recipes, take a look! We have some fantastic cooks in second grade!

Tortilla de patata (Spanish omelet)is one of our most traditional recipe. We have some great cooks who dared to prepare one of the most spectacular Spanish omelet we've ever had!

Some other students prepared salmorejo, paella, ponche segoviano, tarta de Santiago, rosquillas, arroz con leche... And all of them tasted spectacularly good!

And now... Watch some other great videos of this traditional Spanish recipes!

Can you imagine Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter cooking together?

This is not a traditional Spanish recipe, but we love rice pudding so much we couldn't help cooking some!

Our chickens are not magic, but their eggs are!

We hope you liked this fantastic videos as much as we enjoyed making all of them! Now watch some of them explaining their recipes!

Thanks to every parent involved in this project. We are so grateful and happy that we have such good families in our school.

See you around! Don't go too far!

La visita del Señor Oscuro

El Lord Tenebroso nos ha visitado en Segovia . Los rumores de que podría estar escondido en el alcázar de la ciudad eran ciertos.Tra...